A blog about various unimportant things and events in my equally unimportant but eventful life.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
a new browser for an old phone!
bye4now, c's & c'esses
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Why God Gave up & moved to a different planet: part1
Catching the 1/2 hour of sun today, shirt off, deckchair dried out, I happened to have the following conversations:
conversation 1: Bloody dry today! Yes, but not for long! Well, let's hope so; it's bloody baking in this shell. Go for the ditch, it's still got a foot of water in it. Oh right; thanks human, I will. No probs; gotta lotta time for you beetles. Must be shite havin' to stagger round with that shell on y'r back. Y' get used to it after a while.........
Conversation 2: (phone rings) Hiya Doug, it's Bob here. Hello Bob, what u up to now y've "retired"? Well, funny you should ask that! Can I pick your brains? Yes, no probs; go ahead. Big question: what advice can you give me when you're playing the Forex with your own money? Take a wide spread Bob, take a wide spread. & stick with y'r Barclays shares, Bob. They'll soon find another guy like you, to rip it some more. Remember who's in charge; B of E & our Dave. They won't let you down. Thanks Doug, you're a mate.
& then today's rain came.
Bye for now, you lucky c's &c'esses
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Sunday, 3 June 2012
A little Sunday read
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Sir Kiril, knight extraordinary of the estate agents!
Vidin Estates - 3 in 1 /3 properties for the price of 1/ - Valchek, Rakovitsa, Cherno pole
My properties FOR SALE ! Who'd have thought it possible? Please club together all you readers! & I'll chip in so we can all collectively own a part of Bulgaria together!
(answers please, but no rude words!)
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Hello chaps & chapesses!
Do you ever get the feeling that someone's taking the piss? I have that feeling now over this whole matter.
Tomorrow will come & go; then Monday will arrive. & it's on that day I will make a decision: to print, or not to print! Not only does News International have an email trail!
Watch this space ...etc...etc! Monday especially!
Friday, 27 April 2012
There is no more news from Vidin at the moment, as I am in email correspondence with a certain Vidin estate agent (who shall be nameless; at present!). This correspondence will soon be brought to a conclusion, & at that juncture I will have further news (believe it!)
WATCH THIS SPACE! as the saying goes!
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Kiril Petrov: Professional Estate Agent VIDIN
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Hello chaps & chapesses!
Today a quick briefing on the state of play in this ongoing saga.
I'm busy at the moment getting ready to go to Ireland for the summer, so I don't have much spare time to do any great organising on the i/net viz this new project of mine: to whit, screwing the corrupt bastards around Vidin in the property business. But I can assure them all that I will continue until I get the result I'm looking for: those people shown up for what they are; criminals!
A question: what's the difference between leva & euros?
Another question: how can one avoid paying Bulgarian govt. tax on property sales?
& one more question for today: if you put the answers to the first two questions together, what kind of a property deal do you get?
Bye for now, folks. Chat some more tomorrow!
Monday, 23 April 2012
Selling around the VIDIN region
Sunday, 22 April 2012
A Sunday Blog. (more about Bulgaria)
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
More exciting apps & a new OS
Monday, 6 February 2012
Even further
Surely, the sky's the limit now!
Per ardua ad opera!
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Further to, to...
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Google Plus
Anyway, will fiddle with it further, & post more as more gen is gained from my researches. Bye4now.